pf digital 2021
Antibiotic Research UK (ANTRUK), the world’s first charity tackling bacterial antibiotic resistance, has just launched its largest grants programme to date, the 2021 Small Research Grants/Career Development Awards scheme.
The charity will be awarding one grant of up to £50,000 and six grants of up to £25,000 each. Monies applied for can be spread over one, two or three years. Grants should focus on:
antibiotic resistance or;
new antibiotic therapies or;
health and societal impact of antibiotic resistance or;
antibiotic stewardship.
All applications will be reviewed by independent external assessors as well as by members of the Charity’s Science or Education Committees as appropriate. ANTRUK has adopted the scoring system developed by the Medical Research Council for use by independent referees. The top scoring applications will be shortlisted and then prioritised by the Charity’s Grants Panel.
Only applicants working in higher education, not-for-profit institutes and non-governmental organisations based in the United Kingdom are eligible to apply and the closing date for applications is midnight Friday 28th May 2021.
Professor Colin Garner, Chief Executive, ANTRUK, commented: “These grants will fund essential research in both basic and applied sciences to help prevent another global pandemic, this time caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria. Supporting UK university academics in their research into antibiotics and antibiotic resistance is a key objective for ANTRUK, and we are delighted that the 2021 grants will be the largest yet for the Charity. We will offer up to 7 research grants to fund projects that will help save modern medicine through better antibiotic use and stewardship.”
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