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Executive Search & Selection
We are able to match the very best talent in the market for your business requirement.
Our Talent Acquisition Managers are continuously connecting, building talent networks, and outlining individual talent information; that will be able to provide you with the necessary insight into the skills, background, motivations, and expectations of talent in order to properly assess and profile them.
Our Marketing and Business Development Managers also take the time to understand your organization, and are able to get a clear overview of the enterprise, the organizational structure, the company values, goals, and culture.
It is through this process that we are able to quickly endorse talent that have the required skills, background, and experience; for your company.
Contract Recruitment
There are many reasons why you may want to consider bringing a specialist into your company for a fixed period. Maybe you only need that person for the duration of a specific project, or maybe you need to cover maternity or paternity leave of permanent employees. Perhaps you may want someone to temporarily join your organisation - to bring certain specialist experience and transfer skills to your permanent employees that will be valuable to your company now, and will continue to benefit you after that specialist has finished their contract.
Whatever the reason, we can offer access to the highest quality contract personnel quickly and effortlessly.

Permanent Staffing
At AKS Recruitment we understand that your staff recruitment process is a critical part of your business - so it's critical to us that you get the right people. This is never truer than in the pharmaceutical and clinical research sectors, where key individuals, can make the difference in approval or rejection for multimillion pound trials at any point in time.
As a partner to your business, AKS Recruitment understand the cultural fit that is required to ensure that new people integrate into your company seamlessly. We also understand that time is often of the essence, so we make speed a priority.
We understand your business & your products and what you need in terms of staff and experience – and then we search for the perfect candidate for your team, who will be a valued and valuable member of your company for many years to come.